we got informed by HU-payment office that the subsidy will arrive within this week at your account.
Category Archives: Allgemein
Office hours Adlershof 27.01.
Because of an important team meeting our office in Adlershof will not be open on 27.01.2016. We apologize!
Job offer: new member for the Semesterticketbüro team
We are looking for a new member for our office team, starting April 1st, 2016. Applicants need to be enrolled in a German university. For details, please see the official advertisement (in German): Stellenausschreibung_HU_Semtix_01.04.2016
Today shorter Office-Hours
Dear applicants,
unfortunately we have to close our office today at 5 p.m. due to illness.
We are here for you again on Friday (and on Thursday in Adlershof).
New Application Period
The new application-period has startet on January, 1st and ends on Febuary, 29th.
You can obtain the necessary Forms in our office in Mitte or Adlershof or you can download them here.
If this is your first application or if you have any questions please feel invited call us or to come to our office during office hours.
Notifications and payment details
The notices about the decision for HU students that applied in June/July have been mailed before beginning of the winter break to the address you gave us.*
We are currently preparing the payment of the subsidies for the end of January.
Please check if the notification letters state your correct payment data. If – for whatever reason – this data is incorrect, please notify us as soon as possible.
Those of you, who have chosen to receive their subsidy in cash can pick up their money starting monday, January 11th. Please come to our office in Mitte during our opening hours.
*Newly enrolled students or those who applied at a later time, as well as students of the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee will receive their notifications approximately at the end of January.
Email works again
Dear applicants,
our email-issues have been dealt with. We are reachable by email again.
email problems
Dear applicants,
we currently experiene technical problems with our mail server. It may be that your mail will not reach us at the moment.
We will inform you on this page once full functionality has been restored.
Thank you for your patience!
Your Semesterticketbüro
Job advertisement: Student Sysadmin
We are looking for a new student sysadmin. The Job starts on the 15.11.2015 respectively the 15.10.2015 (paid on-the-job-training). The employment is for two years and has a workload of 70 hours per month, paid accordingly to the Tarifvertrag für studentische Hilfskräfte II (10,98 € per hour).
All details are in the job advertisement. If you have any question just ask us.
We would like to especially encourage the following people to apply:
- Migrants* with or without a German passport
- Women
- People with disabilities or chronic diseases
- People who are taking care of children or relatives
- Everyone, who has to pay their subsistence themselves.
The application deadline is on the 20.09.2015. The job interview will probably happen on the 06.10.2015.
Today’s (9th of July) Adlershof office hours are canceled
Unfortunately today’s (9th of July) Adlershof office hours are canceled. We are very sorry about this. It is not our fault.