February Reduced Opening Hours

Hello dears,

Just a short update regarding open office hours, due to absence, for the rest of the month of February, we are only available via telephone on Wednesdays from 14:30 – 16:30. We hope to resume more expanded office hours from March.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Your SemTix

WiSe 24/25 News

Hello lovelies!

Happy New Year to you all, we hope you have had a good start :) We are currently working hard on your WiSe 24/25 applications and you can help us by sending us the requested missing documents as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, you might have noticed that there are delays with processing WiSe24/25 applications this is due to our chronic understaffing (we are only four people from the previous ten). This, in addition to a personnel change at our employers as well as numerous technical disruptions such as server failures (which our great new technical person is also working on at full speed) are also the reasons why we have not yet uploaded any current forms for SoSe 25. We are really sorry about this :(

We are doing our best to make up for this as quickly as possible. All updates regarding the notification of application outcome will be posted here on our homepage, so there is no need to email us directly asking (as this also slows down our processing process). Please also don’t forget to let us know if your postal address or IBAN has changed.

So much for today,

Your SemTix

new Opening Hours

We are reopening our office for personal counselling on applying for the semester ticket subsidy!

The new counselling hours are:

Monday, 12:00-14:00 (english, german)
Wednesday, 14:30-16:30 (english, german, spanish)

You can come by without an appointment in room 1050
in the main building of Humboldt University
Unter den Linden 6
(main entrance, then left at the end of the corridor).

We ask you to wear a mask. We will be tested and symptom-free, and can put on a mask if desired.

We can also be reached by telephone during consultation hours on
030 2093 70296

All those who made an individual payment in SoSe24, please continue to make a personal appointment by e-mail.

Updated: Deutschlandsemesterticket FAQs

Dear Students,

Here are some updated FAQs regarding the Deutschlandsemesterticket:

At this point, we would also like to refer you to the FAQ on the Deutschlandsemesterticket from the BVG. Common questions are also answered there. It can be found at the bottom of the website, where you can see your Deutschlandsemesterticket, under “Help and Support”.

1. Where can I find the link to the Deutschlandsemesterticket?

Here: https://abo.ride-ticketing.de/app/login?partnerId=9938e5dc337a27def5578b08e6a0a476

2. The message “no active tickets” appears and I don’t see a Deutschlandsemesterticket.

Are you sure that you are entitled to the Deutschlandsemesterticket? The following groups of people are not entitled to a ticket and are excluded from using the Deutschlandsemesterticket:
– Doctoral students
– Students on certificate, supplementary, additional and postgraduate programmes
– Students on distance learning programmes
– Students on continuing education Master’s programmes
– Students on leave of absence
– Part-time students with a workload of 25%

If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact Student Services.

3. I am not entitled to the Deutschlandsemesterticket. What do I do now?

Unfortunately, you have to buy a ticket yourself. Maybe you work and can get a job ticket through your employer. Otherwise, you should compare BVG offers and the Deutschlandticket.

Your re-registration fees should have been around €114. If you have paid €290 and are not entitled to the ticket, please contact Student Services.

4. How do I pay for the Deutschlandsemesterticket?

The price for the Deutschlandsemesterticket is €176.40 and was already included in the re-registration fees. This means that you have already paid for the Deutschlandsemesterticket when you paid your re-registration fees.

5. The error message “Incorrect data”/”No offer” appears.

Did you agree to your data being transmitted in full when you registered? If you have deselected individual attributes, such as authorisation status and/or date of birth, the ticket cannot be issued.
You must therefore give your full consent to the transfer of data.

To do this, you must log in to the site again (change browser or delete cookies if necessary) and tick the box “Reset declaration of consent” under the field where you log in with your AGNES data.  You can then select again which data should be transmitted. Here you select that all data should be transmitted.

If you are still unable to access the ticket after this, please contact us.

6. Is my CampusCard still my semester ticket?

The CampusCard does NOT include the Deutschlandsemesterticket and does not serve as proof that you have a semester ticket. The Deutschlandsemesterticket is a purely digital wallet or web ticket and must be presented digitally and in combination with an official ID during checks.

7. I do not have a smartphone

The Deustchlandsemesterticket is a purely digital wallet or web ticket and must also be presented digitally in combination with an official photo ID.

Theoretically, it should also be possible to save the ticket in a wallet on a tablet or laptop.

Further questions can be found in the FAQ about the Deutschlandsemesterticket in the “Help and Support” section below under the link that also leads to the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

8. I get an error message saying that my account already exists and i cannot access my ticket.

Please write an e-mail to oeko@refrat.hu-berlin.de and we will send you a contact you can contact to solve the problem.

9. I don’t like the ticket, can i return it?

No, unfortunately you can’t. The semester ticket is a solidarity model ticket.  This means that all students pay the price together so that the service is significantly cheaper for everyone.

An application-based exemption from the obligation to purchase the ticket is only possible for the following groups of students:
– Severely disabled students who are entitled to transport in accordance with SGB IX and can prove that they are in possession of the supplementary sheet to their severely disabled pass and the corresponding token
– Students who can prove with a medical certificate that they are unable to use the semester ticket for health reasons
– Students who spend at least three consecutive months of the respective semester outside the area of validity of the Deutschlandsemesterticket due to their studies, a practical semester, a semester abroad or as part of their final thesis
– Students who are enrolled at another university in Germany and already receive the Deutschlandsemesterticket through this university.

Dear students,

Over the last few days, we have received many questions about the DeutschlandSemesterticket, which will be our new semester ticket from the start of the summer semester on April 1st. We have collected the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and will try to answer them briefly below. If you have any further questions, please send an email to oeko@refrat.hu-berlin.de

FAQ about the DeutschlandSemesterticket

1. How do I get the DeutschlandSemesterticket?

The Germany semester ticket will be available via a link. You will find this link on Agnes at the beginning of the summer semester on April 1st. You can then use the link to log in with your HU account and download the ticket. Detailed instructions will be sent to you before the semester starts.

2. Where is the ticket valid?

Like the regular Deutschlandticket, the DeutschlandSemesterticket is valid on public transport in (almost) all of Germany, as well as in some border stations abroad and also on some long-distance trains. Current information on this can be viewed directly at the VBB (https://www.vbb.de/tickets/abonnements/deutschlandticket/allgemeines/).

3. Can I take my bicycle, dog(s), child(ren) with me on the ticket free of charge?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to take a bicycle with you free of charge; an additional ticket must be purchased. Dogs can travel free of charge within the VBB network area. Children under the age of 6 travel free of charge, older children are not included free of charge. Here, too, we would like to refer you to the VBB website: https://www.vbb.de/tickets/abonnements/deutschlandticket/wissenswertes-rund-um-mitnahme-1-klasse-und-mehr/

4. What are the technical requirements?

The DeutschlandSemesterticket is a purely digital ticket. You can access the ticket via all technical devices with an internet connection and store it in digital wallets, for example. The easiest way is therefore to download the DeutschlandSemesterticket to your smartphone and use it that way. Theoretically, however, it can also be accessed via tablet, laptop, etc.

5. I have got into financial difficulties due to paying the fees. Is there any help?

Yes, the student body has a social fund to reimburse students in financial difficulties for the (partial) costs of the semester ticket. You can submit an application to the semester ticket office. You can find the application forms here: https://www.refrat.de/semtix/wordpress/formulare/

Especially if you receive social benefits and are entitled to the €9 social ticket, for example, it may be worth submitting an application, as there is a good chance that you will be reimbursed. However, as each application is reviewed individually, you can always submit an application to the semester ticket office if you are currently experiencing financial problems (regardless of whether you receive social benefits or not).

The semester ticket applications are then processed during the semester and the approved grants are then paid out towards the end of the summer semester/beginning of the winter semester.

6. Do I still have to update my Campus Card?

Yes, the Campus Card must still be updated and will then have the imprint “01.04.24-30.09.24 summer semester”. This is relevant for the canteen or student discounts, for example. So basically whenever you have to prove that you are currently studying.

7. does the DeutschlandSemesterticket also apply to doctoral students?

As you may have already noticed, the group of people entitled to the semester ticket has changed with the introduction of the DeutschlandSemesterticket. Doctoral students, among others, are no longer entitled to purchase the semester ticket. We have already expressed our criticism of this several times and are trying to find a solution. However, doctoral students have also come together and formulated an open letter to the VBB and also started a petition – please share it.

Here is the open letter: https://www.refrat.de/docs/sonstiges/Offener_Brief_Promovierende.pdf

Here is the link to the petition: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/gegen-den-ausschluss-von-promovierenden-vom-deutschlandsemesterticket


Your SemTix Team




Notifications winter term 23/24

Dear applicants,

From tomorrow, your notifications for the winter semester 23/24 will be on their way to you. Please check that your bank account details are up-to-date and correct. If not, please let us know IMMEDIATELY by e-mail so that we can ensure that the money arrives where it is supposed to.

If everything is correct, you should receive the money at the beginning of April. Please refrain from making any enquiries about the whereabouts of the money BEFOREhand. Money transfers will be made by the HU cash office, which can take up to 3 weeks, so this is no longer in our hands.

Kind regards,


your Semtix crew

News about the subsidy WiSe 23/24

Dear applicants,

We are currently receiving many enquiries about the status of your WiSe 23/24 applications. We are on the home stretch and will send out your notifications within the next few weeks, we will keep you posted here when exactly.

We would like to remind you once again that it was unclear for a long time if and how things would continue with the semester ticket and thus also with our office, which led to considerable delays in work processes on all fronts. However, we are catching up again and you can all help: At the moment, for example, it is particularly important to inform us immediately of any changes of address and/or bank details, as this is the only way we can ensure that the money actually reaches you.

Best regards and until the next post,

your Semtix crew

Consultation hour regarding the individual payment

Dear applicants,

Here are the first possible dates on which you can come to the office to discuss everything else concerning the individual payment agreement with us.

Please make sure to bring complete applications including the necessary supporting documents.

Monday, 26. 02. 2024: 1 p.m. / 2 p.m. / 3 p.m. / 4 p.m.

Tuesday, 27. 02. 2024: 11 a.m./12 p.m./1 p.m.

Wednesday, 28. 02. 2024: 12 p.m./1 p.m./2 p.m./3 p.m./4 p.m./5 p.m.

Further dates for March 6, 2024 (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and then again from March 18, 2024 will follow shortly.

Your Semtix Team

Dear all,

we are uploading the applications for the summer semester today, January 30, 2024.

Unfortunately, some students are excluded from the Deutschlandsemesterticket and therefore from the subsidy:

  • Guest students and secondary students within the meaning of the relevant Higher Education Act,
  • Students who are exclusively enrolled in an evening, online or distance learning course without compulsory attendance (“distance learning students”),
  • Students in part-time study programs,
  • Students who can prove that they are taking a semester off or a semester abroad,
  • Students who are not members of the student body,
  • Students who are completing a course of study in part time 25% per semester,
  • Students who are enrolled on supplementary, additional or postgraduate courses or are taking part in continuing education courses and doctoral students.

Some of the other information on our homepage is no longer up to date and will have to be gradually updated in line with the new German semester ticket.

In Solidarity