Begin of application period 2019/20

The new application period has begun and you can find the new forms here or at our office.

The application period ends July 31, with an extension of two weeks (August 14). If you make use of the extension, please try to include all the necessary supporting documents. Students newly matriculated at HU/KHB may apply in the first six weeks following matriculation.

End of the Application Period

The application period (including a two week grace period) ended on March 14th, 2019.

Now we only accept applications only in case of the following exceptions:

  • If you are newly enrolled in SoSe 19 (e.g. students in the first semester at Humboldt-University or first semester Master) please apply within six weeks after your enrolment.
  • In case of reasons that you are not responsible for (e.g. due to illness etc.). Sometimes it is necessary to enclose a proof with your application (e.g. doctor’s statement).

If you are unsure if one of the above applies to you or if/how you can prove either please do contact us personally or per telephone during our opening hours.

Late applications without any information about the reasons for the delay will be sent back.

Delay of decision letters

We are sorry to inform you, that the decision letters regarding subsidiaries from the social funds are going to be delayed this year. This happened due to the personnel policy of HU during the last year and and a currently high sick leave in our team. We hope to send out the letters next week Thursday, 17th Jan 2019.

Information about the pay out of the subsidiaries will follow.

End of the Application Period

The application period (including a two week grace period) ended on August 14th, 2018.

From now on we only accept applications in case of the following exceptions:

  • If you are newly enrolled in WiSe 18/19 (e.g. students in the first semester at Humboldt or first semester Master) please apply within six weeks after your enrolment. If that is the case, please mark “I was newly matriculated…” on the application form.
  • If you could not apply in the application period for reasons that you are not responsible for (e.g. due to illness etc.). Please add a short explanation of the situation to your application and if possible provide proof (e.g. doctor’s statement).

If you are unsure if one of the above applies to you or if/how you can prove either please do contact us personally or per telephone during our opening hours.

Late applications without any information about the reasons for the delay will be sent back.

Job advertisement: Student Sysadmin

We are looking for a new student sysadmin. The Job starts on the 15.11.2015 respectively the 15.10.2015 (paid on-the-job-training). The employment is for two years and has a workload of 70 hours per month, paid accordingly to the Tarifvertrag für studentische Hilfskräfte II (10,98 € per hour).

All details are in the job advertisement. If you have any question just ask us.

We would like to especially encourage the following people to apply:

  • Migrants* with or without a German passport
  • Women
  • LGBT*I*
  • People with disabilities or chronic diseases
  • People who are taking care of children or relatives
  • Everyone, who has to pay their subsistence themselves.

The application deadline is on the 20.09.2015. The job interview will probably happen  on the 06.10.2015.