Ballot about the Ticket

Since March 2014 your elected student representatives are negotiating with the public transport companies of Berlin and Brandenburg (Verkehrsbetriebe Berlin Brandenburg—VBB) about the new agreement regarding the ticket from summer semester 2015 onwards. You will have the final say about in a ballot. Read more in German.

new application period

dear students,

since the first day of june 2013 you can send us your filled out application form, whether in person or by mail, post, fax, horse messenger. just don’t forget about the end of this application period on the 30th of june.

we’ll also be offering new opening hours:
mo, fr: 12:00-15:30
we: 12:00-19:00

th (in adlershof): 11:45-15:00


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End of Deadline

Since the 14th of March there is no longer a deadline.
We will no longer accept any Applications except:
– you were only currently immatriculated
– you had (provably) no possibility to file your application in the requested period + deadline

The application period is an important tool for us, for being able to finish our
calculations in a restricted timeframe.

P.S. If you haven’t received your ticket yet, please do complain at the Immatrikulationsbüro

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New Applications

January 7th marks the beginning of the new application period for Sommersemester.

The application period ends february 28nd, so better apply now ;)

Don’t forget we’ll be moving our office: relocation

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Relocation of the Semesterticket office

In the second week of january 2013 (january 14.-18.) our office will remain closed.
On january the 21st we will be open again at our new adress:

Unter den Linden 6
Room 1050

To find our new bureau start at the foyer (after the main entrance) and follow
the left corridor until you reach the last door at your left hand.

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Additional Info

finally the additional information pertaining the change of the calculation period related to students in the first semester (or newly enrolled students) is available here

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End of the application period

The Application period ended on July 31st.

Still, if you are a new student at Humboldt-University or start the Master-Program this Semester you have six weeks after your enrolment (Immatrikulation) to submit your application to the Semestericketbuerau.

If you could not submit your application in time due to reasons that you are not responsible for (e.g. due to illness etc.) pleas contact us for further information.

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