Due to illness, we can unfortunately not offer phone councelling on Friday, the 24th of June.
You can however still contact us via email or during the phone councelling time on Wednesday.
New forms online
Dear applicants, the application forms for winter semester 2022/23 are finally online – you can find them here. Please make sure to send them in by 31. July (plus 14 days grace period).
KHB WiSe 21/22
We finally finished processing the applications for WiSe 21/22 from KHB students and will send out the notifications early next week. The payments still need to go through several departments, but we expect them to be in your accounts by the end of the month at the latest.
Subsidies for summer semester might still be a little behind our usual schedule, but we should have caught up after that.
Payments WiSe 21/22, delayed responses to mails, KHB
Dear applicants, here are a few infos regarding the current state of your applications:
Payments WiSe 21/22
We sent the subsidies for WiSe 21/22 to the Kasse this week, so if nothing goes wrong you should receive the money around next week. If you applied after the regular application period (e.g. due to being newly matriculated), your application will be processed and the subsidy paid out in the coming weeks.
Delayed responses to e-mails
Due to receiving a lot of e-mails and post at the end of the application period, combined with a staff shortage, we are currently very behind on answering e-mails and hard to reach via phone. Please refrain from any non-essential questions (e.g. whether we received your application) for the next 1-2 weeks, in order to give us a chance to check all the mails that are already there and enter all applications into our database. Thank you!
State of WiSe 21/22 applications for KHB
The subsidies for SoSe 21 should have been paid by now. Since that took so much longer than it should have, and we are currently short on staff, the payments for WiSe 21/22 will also be delayed a little, but we’re working on it and hope to send out the notifications by the end of April. Hopefully from next semester on we’ll then be able to get back to our usual rhythm. Thank you for your patience!
HU winter semester 21/22 notifications are on the way
We did it, the notifications for winter semester 21/22 applications at HU will be sent out this week!
You should receive them until the end of the week (or possible next week, in case the mailservice takes a little longer). Please watch out for your mail and inform us in case you bank details have changed since your application!
Important note:
There was a technical problem while printing the notifications, so that some of them state that the subsidies would probably be payed out in August 2021. While we are good, unfortunately we still haven’t figured out time traveling yet. Sorry about that.
The payout of the subsidies for winter semester 2021/22 will probably be in March 2022!
(We’ll post another update once the payout is done.
Please refrain from inquiries about the status of the payout until then!)
Application processing status (winter semester 2021/22)
Dear applicants,
we’re currently still working on the applications for subsidy for winter semester 2021/22, which unfortunately is delayed due to the corona-restrictions, understaffing and illness in the team.
Therefore, we can not yet say with certainty when the notes and subsidies will be sent out. It will, however, probably not be before the end of the re-registration deadline mid February. (As soon as there are any relevant news, we’ll of course inform you right here.)
In case you’re having financial troubles with the re-registration, you can apply for an extension of the re-registration deadline at the enrollment office. The colleagues know about our situation and are accordingly accommodating.
You can nonetheless already apply for subsidy for the upcoming summer semester.
The forms can be found right here, the regular deadline for applications is the 28th of Februarch 2022.
Subsidies KHB SoSe 21
Dear KHB students, we were finally able to finish up with the applications for summer semester 2021 and the notifications have been put in the mail. We will submit the subsidies for transfer asap as well, however since there are several institutions involved in processing them, we can’t tell you exactly when they will arrive in your accounts – we’re hoping it will take a month at most. Thank you for almost a year of patience!
Applications for winter semester 2021/22 are also being finished up right now and barring any further issues notifications should be send out around mid-February.
Please note that despite all the delays, applications for summer semester 2022 are now open until February 28. You can find the current forms here.
Application forms SoSe22
Dear applicants,
we’re currently editing the application forms for summer semester 2022. They’ll be online here soon (by the end of next week at the latest).
Until then, please refrain from inquiries on when the forms will be online or when you can apply for subsidy for SoSe22.
Edit January 7: the forms are now online!
Best regards and a very happy New Year,
your Semtix-Team
Closing of office (13th till 26th of September 2021)
Dear all,
due to a technical update, we unfortunately have to close our office from the 13th till the 26th of September 2021.
We can’t be reached by phone during that time – phone counselling is cancelled.
Also, we won’t be able to work on your applications or answer specific questions regarding your applications, documents etc. (You can reach us – limited – via email in home office. But please notice that we can’t access your files or our database and can only answer in a very limited way.)
Calculation time for the applications as well as answers regarding your questions will therefore also be delayed.
We kindly ask you for your understanding and apologize for the delay and inconveniences.
Your Semtix team
Reimbursement update
Dear all,
unfortunately, we could only issue the payment of your subsidies by Tuesday this week. We’re very sorry for the delay. The money should be on your accounts by the end of next week the latest.
In case you informed us about your new IBAN/bank account after the 10th of August, we’ll probably have issued the payment to your old account, so it’d take some time for the money to come back. We’ll then have to re-issue the payment manually. So it would take a bit longer, but you’ll get the subsidy nonetheless.
Until the end of next week, please refrain from further personal inquiries about the status of your payment.
Best regards,
Your Semtix crew