State of WiSe 20/21 applications

Dear applicants, we are currently finishing up the subsidy applications for winter semester 20/21. However, due to major technical changes at HU we’re facing some complications regarding the way we usually transfer the subsidies. Since resolving these issues requires cooperation from several departments, we can’t say for sure when exactly we will be able to transfer the subsidies this time, and we will not send out notifications until we can tell when to expect your money. So please have a little more patience, we’re hoping to find a solution in January.

We’re also still processing the KHB applications, you will also hear from us in January.

Applications forms for summer semester 2021 will be uploaded on our “forms” page in early January, as usual. Please do not use winter semester forms for summer semester applications!

We wish you happy holidays and a great new year!


Contact and state of applications for WiSe 20/21

As we’re receiving increased inquiries about the current applications: we’re currently processing the applications for winter semester 2020/21 as usual and unless lockdown measures are tightened again we should be able to send out the notifications about subsidies by mid to late December – just like every winter semester. Please refrain from asking about the state of applications individually, since that just costs us time that would be better spent working on your applications.

Also, please note that we are still unable to offer in-person consultations. In particular, we only use our office in Adlershof for a very limited time during a normal semester and not at all since Corona measures started. Until we can open our office to the public again, we will NOT be in Adlershof and any mail dropped at the office there will most likely not reach us – please stick to email, post or the mailbox at our office in Mitte (if you’re allowed to enter the HU building).

We also continue to have limited access to our main office, so please understand that it’s also hard to reach us via phone even during normal office hours. If at all possible, please send us an email and we’ll reply as fast as possible.

Extended application period

Since the application period for WiSe 20/21 started two weeks late, we have decided to also extend it by two weeks. That means the regular application period ended August 14 and the grace period will continue until August 31. If you choose to make use of it, please try to send your application complete with all necessary documents (the application form contains two pages explaining which documents we need). If you’re sending it via email, please also read our guidelines for email applications.

Important: applications for Individualzahlung (letter for the matriculation office) also need to be sent in by August 31 at the latest!

Notifications SoSe 20

We’re finally done and will be printing the notifications for the summer semester subsidies for HU today. You should receive them in the Mail at some point next week and the subsidies will be transferred 2-3 weeks after that.

If you do not receive at letter from us in the next 1-2 weeks:

  • Belated applications (e.g. if you were newly matriculated in SoSe 20 or your application was accepted after the regular period) are still being processed.
  • Application from students of KHB are still being processed.
  • Some applications which were missing important information or about which we had questions are still being processed. If we sent you a letter with questions within the last 1-2 months, it’s possible that your application will not be included in this first wave of notifications.

We will process all of these applications as fast as we can and send out the notifications and subsidies individually. If you are sure that you should have received a notification, please let us know.


Once more: if you opted to receive the subsidy in cash and haven’t sent us your bank details yet, please do so asap! (Doesn’t have to be your own account, but if it’s not we need the name and address of the account holder.) Since the Kasse is currently closed to everyone who doesn’t work at HU and we can’t see applicants in person either, we are unable to offer subsidies in cash this semester and next.


The grace period for applications for winter semester 2020/21 ends on August 14. Please make sure to send your applications in time, as we can only accept belated applications if you’re newly or belatedly matriculated or in exceptional cases if you were unable to apply in time for reasons such as being ill during the application period.

Short update

1. Application forms: took a little longer than planned, but should be uploaded today or by the end of the week at the latest. Thank you for your patience!

2. Individualzahlung (letter for the matriculation office): we can now offer this again if needed, please write us an email ( and we’ll explain how to proceed.

3. Payment in cash: if you asked to receive your subsidy for summer semester 20 in cash (or haven’t picked up your subsidy from a previous semester yet), please send us bank details for the transfer asap. (Doesn’t have to be your own account, in that case just tell us the name and address of the account holder in addition to the IBAN.) Cash payments won’t be possible for the time being.

Individualzahlung, subsidies in cash, etc.

Since we will be unable to offer personal counseling for now, this is how we will deal with issues that would usually require you coming by in person:

1. Payment of subsidies in cash: if you asked for your summer semester subsidy to be paid in cash and it’s at all possible for you to have it transferred to a bank account instead (doesn’t have to be your own), please send us the account details (Name of the account holder and IBAN. If it’s not your own, we also need the address of the account holder; if it’s not a German account we also need the BIC.) We will be unable to pay out subsidies in cash until both we and the Kasse are allowed to have visitors again and we don’t know yet when that will be. (Don’t worry, though, you will still get the subsidies, you’ll just have to wait.)

2. Individualzahlungen (letter about your application for the matriculation office): our current plan is that you can contact us via email, we will send you the agreement to sign and once that is returned to us we will send you the letter for the matriculation office. However, we still need to discuss this plan with the matriculation office, so for now we’re asking for your patience a little longer. When in doubt, please contact the matriculation office/Compass directly for an extension to your payment deadline until we’re clearer on how the Individualzahlung will proceed.

Other than that, we’re now starting to work on everything that has been on hold. The current state of affairs:

Applications for winter semester 20/21 should be available from next week.

Applications for summer semester 20 are now being processed and we hope that we will be able to pay the subsidies as soon as July or August. However, please keep in mind that we’re dependent on a number of other institutions that we need to cooperate with, so the timing of the payments depends on them as well as on us. Therefore please be patient a little longer and don’t ask when the subsidies will be paid – you’ll read it here as soon as we know.

Belated applications for summer semester 20 that are belated only because of Corona will not be accepted. See here for the reasons:



Dear applicants, from the end of next week we will finally be allowed to return to our office, in very limited capacities. What does that mean for your current and upcoming applications?

  • Your applications are still being processed, though of course it’s taking longer than usual. We’re currently trying to find a way to speed up the process to make up for the exceptional circumstances, but unfortunately we can not yet say exactly when you will receive your subsidies. If that leads to you being unable to pay your semester fees on time, please contact the matriculation office before the end of the payment period to ask for an extension!
  • The application period for winter semester 20/21 will be postponed for 14 days, i.e. you will find the new application forms here from June 14. Please either scan them and send them via Email (they can’t be filled out at the computer and need to be signed by hand) or send them via post, since the mailbox by our office is not accessible to the public at the moment.
  • Students still aren’t allowed to enter the HU buildings, so we won’t be able to offer in person counseling or pay out subsidies in cash until that ban is lifted. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact us via email or – from June 8 – via phone.
  • If you applied for a subsidy for SoSe 2020 and asked to receive the subsidy in cash, please let us know if it’s possible to receive it via transfer instead, and if so send us your bank details (IBAN and name of the account holder, plus their address if it’s someone other than you, and the BIC if it’s an account outside of Germany).

As soon as we know when the subsidies will be paid, or if there are any other news, we will let you know here. Please check this page occasionally, especially before writing an email to ask a general question. Thank you!

Information about the situation concerning Semtix

Dear applicants, here’s an update on how the Semesterticketbüro is handling the current situation:

  • We have not been allowed into our office since mid-March, and since we can only access your applications from there, we have not been able to continue processing them. We’re currently trying to find a solution that will let us pay your subsidies as timely as possible, but we can’t say yet when that is going to be or how it’s going to work. Please be patient a little longer, we will keep you updated.
  • It took a while, but we are now able to access our emails from home and are currently working on answering everything in our inbox. Unfortunately we still can’t be reached via phone.
  • Please do NOT send us questions about your applications. As stated above, we can not access them from home and can not answer any questions about whether they have arrived, how far they’ve been processed or if anything is missing.
  • As usual we can accept belated applications only if you’re newly matriculated in summer semester 2020 or if exceptional circumstances prevented you from applying in time (e.g. if you were outside of Germany during the application period and only returned now). We genereally can not accept applications that are late due to the current situation with Covid-19, both because that would be unfair to everyone else who applied in time and because the application is about the fees paid in January/February and considers your situation in July-December 2019, so that the current situation is irrelevant for the application. However, the application period for winter semester is going to start in June (if all goes according to plan) and that will cover January-June 2020, so feel free to apply then.
  • As far as we are aware there are currently no plans for a general refund of the semester ticket fees due to the current situation, despite no classes being held in person. In general, if you have questions regarding the issuing, payment or validity of the semester ticket, please contact the matriculation office, since we don’t have anything to do with that.
  • If you are in a difficult situation financially, please contact the Refrat’s social counselling (beratung.allgemein @ or finance counselling (beratung.bafoeg @ ) teams.

We hope you’re all getting through this crisis as easily as possible and are looking forward to being there for you again soon.

Update on counselling and opening times

Dear applicants,

due to the current events concerning Covid-19 we have to inform you, that we will close the Semesterticket office until further notice. As soon as we are able to continue our work, we are going to notice you here.

Furthermore we would like to calm you about deadlines, which can not be uphold in the future – we will work with the uni administration on possible solutions etc.

Wishing you all and your beloved ones a good time according to the circumstances, watch out for yourselves,

Sincerly Yours,

The Semtix-Team

Closure of personal office hours! – UPDATE

Update March 13: Since the building where our offices are located will be closed from Monday on, and working from home is not possible for us, we’re still trying to figure out if and how long our work needs to rest in the next few weeks. Therefore we might not be able to offer consultation via phone at the times given below, and it might take longer than usual for emails to be answered. Please be patient!

Due to the current situation concerning the Corona-Virus our office has decided to close the personal office hours, starting from the 16th of March until further notice. You can still reach us through phone or email during our usual office hours (Mondays and Wednesdays).

If you need an agreement for the Immatrikulationsbüro, please contact us via mail or phone, we will then consult you in person.

To hand in applications, proofs or in case you have questions please use all other available forms to contact us (email, post, letter box or phone).

Thank you for your understanding!

Your Semtix-Team