
Elected Delegates:

Tanja Ulbrich
Melanie Bomke


Consulting Hours:
during the semester break only on request

Irrelevant? Illegal? STRIKE!
Theresa Tschenker, academic assistant (Viadrina),
Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher (Viadrina),
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Däubler (Uni Bremen) and
Dr. Johanna Wenckebach (Hugo Sinzheimer Institut)
Relevance and legality of
"wildcat" strikes and
feminist strikes.
20.01. / THURSDAY / Pre-event / from 19:00
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Däubler
Introduction „strikes“
Introduction „Wild“ strikes
collective refusal
24.01. / MONDAY / Pre-event / from 18:00
Theresa Tschenker
Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher
Introduction „strikes“
feminist Strikes
25.01. / TUESDAY / Main event / 17:00 till 20:00
Dr. Johanna Wenckebach (Moderation)
Theresa Tschenker
Prof. Dr. Eva Kocher
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Däubler
„Wild“ strikes
feminist strikes
collective refusal
All events online at
Organized by students of the Humboldt-University zu Berlin (HU),
the working group of critical lawyers of the HU (akj HU) and
the critical lawyers of the University of Frankfurt Oder (KJ* Viadrina).

  • edited:18.08.24, 06:24